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Re: sick, isolated and lacking hope

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Re: sick, isolated and lacking hope

Dear Matt,

I am so sorry to hear you are ill. Reading your post was like listening to myself at the start of my own crisis.

I am 20, near your age, and I also lead a sedentary lifestyle, even though I would love to go outside more often. Being sick has its implications on friendships and interactions with the outside world. I know how it feels to see the wonderful world outside the window but to be tethered to your desk chair.

I have terrible terrible problems with hypoglycemia. It's ultimately a problem with the adrenals, which itself can be caused by chronic infection(s).

What has helped me the most, more than anything else I have tried, has been Rife machine therapy, the Bob Beck protocol, and seasalt/Vitamin C. Salt+VitaminC gives the adrenals a great boost. Look up the "Adrenal Miracle Mix" by Newport, it is amazing.

Iodine has helped me in some ways but it was not a cure. I have found that the deficiency of iodine is not the root cause of all disease like some iodine peddlers on CZ would have you believe. In fact, I discovered that the reason I am even iodine deficient is because I have had chronic infection with mycoplasma and Lyme disease, left untreated. The body tries its best to eliminate these but since they live in your own cells, the body quickly becomes exhausted fighting an uphill battle. When I started treating these with a rife machine, I actually stopped needing such high doses of iodine! (I have a strong suspicion that Trapper and those on the Iodine forum are actually chronically infected with some parasite. The iodine therefore is acting like a drug for them, patching up a symptom but not the root cause.)

Another thing that helped me tremendously is diatomaceous earth, which Hv promotes and for good reason. Wear a mask while you work with it, the stuff gets everywhere in the air the moment you drop it in water. And it does not dissolve if it gets into your lungs.)

Stop beating yourself up over the sugar. Negative emotions are extremely toxic to your health. How do I know this? I get really bad stomach aches and cramps when I feel anger.

I have found that whenever I am craving sugar, it is because my adrenals are exhausted. In fact, now when I crave sugar, I  take a 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt in water with Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and it actually gets rid of the sugar craving almost instanteously!

I have also found that candida is merely a symptom of a larger problem. For a long time I treated candida with antifungals and never got anywhere, even though all of my symptoms were classic candida. Then when I started treating my lyme disease my candida symptoms actually started lessening. I can handle more carbs now.

If you ever want to talk I am here to listen, my inbox is open. I am near your age so maybe I can relate, though I have to warn you, I am a huge geek in real life. lol. Being sick has forced me to basically make my own little world, through video games, computers, etc.. Not exactly healthy but it is what kept me emotionally alive for a long time, especially my teen years when I was picked on and bullied for being severely underweight and malnourished-looking (Symptoms that I later found out were being caused by Lyme disease!!! I basically had NO childhood thanks to it.)

Keep your chin up! There IS a light at the end of the tunnel.

P.S. If I could recommend any one thing, it would be a rife machine, but it's so expensive, that the Beck protocol may be better. You can often find the beck devices on ebay for cheap, or you can build your own. I would not be alive if it weren't for electromagnetic therapy and electromedicine.)



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