Re: sick, isolated and lacking hope
>>Surprised. I probably trust hers, and much (not all) of her advice, the least.
If you actually try them, you will change your mind.
>>When I ran the frequency she lists for Ascaris, my entire upper chest cavity opened up and my respiration problem was nearly gone.
My upper chest cavity has remained open. I used to have a lot of pressure in my chest, felt something in my peritoneal cavity pushing against my lungs. It would move. That's totally gone. But my breathing is not completely 100% yet, I still have problems with gas buildup from candida and fungi, and that's my fault, I don't watch my carbs enough.
>>That's odd because I thought all the scripts he uses are the DNA freaks.
No, he uses his Jesus-like powers to find those frequencies. Google RifeFrqViaDowsing.
Charlene Boehm specifically prohibits the posting of her DNA frequencies online, it's against the agreement she makes you sign.
>>I have been drinking ozonated water for over a year now. I use a cheap model I got for $60 on ebay. That alone helped me a lot in my health.
>>>Great. How has it helped?
Detox, for starters. I don't feel herx as strongly when I drink it every day. It has also helped with my circulation, cognition, and respiration. If I drink a gallon of it at once, 90% of my symptoms disappear for a few hours. Nothing else has had a powerful beneficial effect like that.
>>I also started CS a few weeks ago (using 9V batteries connected to silver wires) but have not noticed much with it.
>>>>Are you able to measure the ppm you're producing this way?
No. I don't plan on making it this way for long.
>>Just last week I started magnetic pulsing using a homemade unit
>>>>Impressed that you were able to build a mag pulser. What Gauss intensity?
A family member built it. I printed out a page online with the instructions for him, it should be 6000 gauss if he built it correctly. My head hasn't fallen off yet so I think he did.
>>and it has helped me kill things that the F165 was not reaching.
>>>Like where? The 165 is not TENS compatible?
The brain. The F165 is TENS compatible. But you don't want to put a TENS pad on your scalp, trust me. :)
>>>He's established quite a following, indeed. But deservedly so, IMO.
I agree.
>>>I do believe him when he says that everyone has Borrelia spirochetes in them,
I don't recall ever ever being bitten by a tick. I have been bit by countless mosquitos but not in Lyme endemic areas. The first time I correctly ran the frequencies for the Borrelias, I had the worst knee pain and brain fog imaginable. I had been using a zapper for over a year before and had never felt a herxheimer like that.
The frequencies I used were DNA; they're very exact, and I ran them in AC mode to make sure it wasn't the DC positive offset doing the killing.
>>>but not necessarily Lyme. This is from my own experiences. I have felt Lyme dieoff from killing immune destroyers like F. buski, a sign that my body is actually becoming able to fight off Lyme on its own. It's an immunity issue IMO, and some people are just more vulnerable for whatever reason. This probably does not apply to the vector-borne variety (Burgdorferi can only be transmitted through a bite. Garinii and afzelii can be spread from person to person.)
>>>Hmm. I think I better opt to leave all that alone for now.
I said nothing that your good friend Newport would disagree with. I got that last bit from his Lyme FAQ.
>>I have no idea when I contracted Lyme. Actually, I have reason to believe that the variety of Lyme I have is not tick or mosquito born, but passed down the family line. Lots of mental disorders and psychological problems run in my family. Lots of unexplained chronic health issues too.
>>>Again, I'll abstain.
Alright. Just thought I'd throw this out though.
>>>I have also had infection with flukes since I was a child. Schistosoma and some other varieties I have not been able to figure out. They are my second biggest issue next to Lyme.
>>>>How did you "figure out" the Schisto?
I'll abstain from answerring this, because it's obvious you wouldn't believe me anyway. I'm just another "crazy Clark follower", after all.
>>Everyone that I know... drinks brominated soft drinks and eats brominated bread. None of them are even slightly hypothyroid.
>>>I don't think many soft drinks still use bromide, but could be wrong. Fresca does, MD did originally of course, but I think has removed. I think Gatorade might. Removed from most breads also, or so I thought. I could easily be wrong.
Gatorade still does. Bromide is not always listed as an ingredient in bread.
>>>I'm not the slightest bit concerned with bromide, personally speaking. Never was big on bread or any other food product which contained it. (Although the PVC and BFR vapors from my MacBooks are pretty potent and often visable on sunny days ; )
Okay, that's scary. I have a Macbook too so I looked those up. I had no idea I've been breathing that crap in this whole time.
>>>How can you be certain it wasn't the
SSKI that kept you from catching something they did? I've never noticed
SSKI created warmth - interesting... You used Purple Moses
I used Trapper's SSKI if that's who you're referring to.
I don't believe it was SSKI doing any infection-killing. I have had those exact same symptoms they developed, for years. They developed them in the same sequence I did too: itching >> coughing >> IBS >> low-body temp >> full-blown hypothyroid. Also, if SSKI cured infections, I wouldn't be here right now... I'd be outside reclaiming my life!
A restoration of proper body temperature is usually the first thing most people notice when they start iodine.
>>>>Have you tried magnascent?
No. Overpriced hype if you ask me. I can energize a bottle of SSKI or
Lugol's easily on my own for a lot less dinero.
>>>I've come to learn to simply leave farm animals in their cozy barn stalls. Too much time and energy wasted for zero return on the effort.
LOL. Good principle to live by.
Anyway PM me if you want to talk further. Let's not hijack Konnor's thread even more.