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Re: sick, isolated and lacking hope
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Re: sick, isolated and lacking hope

Wow, Matt. Enormous empathy. Your remarks resonate greatly and remind me of the period just after hitting the wall - when I hadn't any real clue for what was happening to me suddenly after 30+ years of seemingly stellar health, vitality, respectable/esteemed social and professional accomplishment, and full on joie de vivre.

I share(d) many of the symptoms you list, but not all. You are very young, and have every reason for hope. Because of your age, your ability to overcome this failure in health with greater expedience than if you were ten or more years older is considerably more promising for a number of reasons - provided you maintain a stable and positive mindset, and (without obsessing) remain focused on and committed to nutritional awareness. Not so easy, but it's a must.

It does get better and is remediable. Whether you do nothing to diagnose or treat - or happening "organically", without effort.

What (if anything beyond the antibitotics) do you suspect contributed to your condition, and why you are convinced this is all caused by what sounds like candidiasis? Have you used any pharmals? What natural/alternative treatments or therapies have been effective/have not? Please detail.


(Noting symptoms I had, and have either improved or have not)

fatigue (no)
light sensitivity (yes)
abdominal ache (yes)
constipation (not really)
loose stools/diarrhoea (no)
pale stools (no)
bloating (in an atypical respect, yes - but much less at this point)
gas (air trapping in stomach, not "the other" - yes)
nausea (BIG yes)
distended belly (sometimes)
feverish, stuffy head (worse in eve) (yes, yes, yes)
weight loss (underweight) (OH YEAH... Emaciation - 5'8", lowest at 72lbs)
upper right ache under rib cage (liver/gallbladder). A feeling of 'heaviness'. (yes - but I am not convinced it's liver or gallbladder)
food sensitivities – dairy, gluten, yeast, nuts, nightshades, citrus fruits, spices, garlic. (probable, but not certain - yet)
cravings (GONE - the bad ones)
hypoglycemia (yes)
insomnia (or exhaustive unrefreshing sleep) (GONE)
post nasal drip (yes)
pigmentation/ liver spots (some, but more the opposite - loss of pigment in small spots)
itchy ears (ear infections - GONE)
oily hair (no)
dark, reddish exhausted eyes (find a mirror and a small flashlight. If your pupils do not constrict normally, strong indication that your adrenals are whacked)
racing mind (YES - but better)
brain fog (sometimes - but way better)
Depression (atypical - yes, and better)
neck ache (all aching much better if not obsolete, depending on area)
apathy (only at my worst)
pins and needles in legs/feet upon waking (yes - GONE)
frequent dark shaded yellow urination (typically in morning, water intake is high enough for clear urine during the day) (no)
joint and muscle ache (joint – knees, muscle – upper chest/pecs, lower back) (many aches, spasms, would crawl to the tub with disabling insanely painful leg locking "charlie horse" cramps - as if I was being tortured - GONE GONE GONE)

Supplementals that have helped or eliminated those symptoms above in decending order:

Lugols solution

H will not like this and suggest kelp, dulse, etc., or BWH, but only potassium iodine/dide solution did it for me - and I'd swallowed pounds of seaweed and Black-Walnut hull prior to the Lugols with only nominal improvement noticed. After less than a month, maybe two weeks intake of Lugols...let's just say the sky opened, and a good part of "me" was back. All cramping GONE, light sensitivity, racing thoughts, lethargy, cravings, insomnia, return of menses without gaining an ounce (despite the need to gain weight). The list goes on. Oh, grew boobies again - w/out the needed weight gain.

IP 6 w inositol
Coconut oil
Diatomaceous Earth/silica
Specific enzymes
Lecithin granules
Various herbs, vitamins (especially C, biotin/B 12, myceliated A, and D3), all aminos, etc. More specific detail on herbs forthcoming if interested.
Copper (zinc/copper ratio important)
Undecylenic acid 10
Betel nut (homemade tincture)
Lithium orotate (low dose - 5-15 mg)
Colostrum (powder)
Fenugreek seed (whole/soaked)
Red Clover seeds

Surely remiss in something in the above, but that's a good start. I do not swallow capsules, tablets, pills, etc. Cannot. All the above are easily incorporated/implemented without needing to swallow a gazilion supplemental "bullets" - which I believe really makes many matters worse for those in our condition.

Miscellaneous therapies/treatments/etc.

O3 (a must)
Beck protocol
Frequency therapies:
(function generator, the T2, PZ's CC1, Sota's BT 7, Nogier, Solfeggio)
Yoga/tai gong/tai chi

Again, probably forgetting something. The T2 will change the quality of your sleep immensely, and alter the nature of it it dramatically (vivid, peaceful and revelatory dreaming, waken with new awareness and more clarity each day.)

>>It wouldn't be an overstatement to say I feel like I'm dying slowly.

I know that feeling - and in my case, I was and almost did.


>No significant health problems growing up, accept for......

>Born premature with jaundice
>Aesthma early teens which I grew out of

I believe the asthma is related, or prelude to your current condition.

>Growth spurt resulting in lower back ache still present to this day

I suspect the the growth spurt not the culprit (lower back ache).

>On and off Antibiotics for Acne on chest and back.

Which Antibiotics - ever given Accutane (not an antibiotic, but poison)?

>>If anyone has any suggestions for tests, orthodox or alternative I would welcome some ideas. I became disillusioned pretty early on with orthodox medicine although I haven't had many tests accept for some standard blood work and a round of blood tests from an endocrinologist, all came back normal.

>>Do people think a colonoscopy/endoscopy would be interesting even if I was likely to reject any pharmaceuticals?

Possible, but I'm inclined to believe the source is elsewhere. (While entirely symbiotic with the GI.)

>>The digestive/liver complaints are the most difficult to manage despite not being the first symptoms to crop up.

Ditto above.

>>What sort of liver tests are done as standard? Could these be done by a gastro as well as any bowel tests? I'd prefer to avoid any unnecessary evasive tests such as biopsy's or anything that puts a stress on my body such as a GTT or ACTH stimulation test that might leave me worse off.

Least invasive and most promising in identifying specific micro-organisms would be a culture from a standard medical lab equipped to perform of this kind of test/acquainted with what exactly is involved in a culture. I'd be no where without that information. You can also contact:

A CZ member microbiology hobbiest who will work with you on a "donation" basis (peanuts) - but I'd follow up with an established lab.

>>We don't have naturopathic doctors in the UK so will scan the country for doctors with even a remote interest in natural healing.

Look for "functional" or "integrative" medicine.

>>What do people feel to 'alternative' diagnostics such as stool analysis or liver detoxification profile tests? (Not that I'm able to form a solid stool for the test anyway). The general consensus seems to be that these are expensive and inconclusive, often showing a certain deficiency or random parasite that the patient blindly pursues. Happy to try anything that may of use. The phase 1 and 2 liver detoxification test looks useful if it's reliable?

Total waste of time and money.

>>Shy, anxious, addictive, perfectionist personality growing up. Diet and hypoglycemia were the first symptoms to 'be revealed', as well as post nasal drip. Steadily declining health for about 20 months now.

Aside from the shyness, a great degree of similarity. When did the PND become noticable?

>>Alternative angles pursued

>Candida – Likely to be present in some form. I have experienced die-off but am unable to tackle it aggressively due to stress on the liver and body in general. Sugar cravings are a clue but then this would be present in many other illnesses no doubt. Had a couple of short colonics which haven't offered any lasting relief.

Microbial. Period.

>>Leaky gut – Again I show many of the symptoms. Healing formula's and supplements have seldom helped.

Seems everyone assumes leaky gut - the catch all. Contemporary and trendy terminology (not suggesting it doesn't exist or isn't an issue for you). The thoughts that circulate and persist producing imagery and despair. Avoiding negative thoughts and ideas is essential (for me).

>> parasites – Not in a position to attempt any aggressive herbal cleansing. I suspect certain pathogens are likely to be present but not as a cause.

I would avoid thinking "parasites" also - but many of the herbs and much of the diet involved are quite effective for most any type of infection.

>>Adrenal fatigue – Have followed 'regimes' by practitioners of B, C vitamins, glandulars etc to no avail. Digestion hasn't really picked up on these plans and as such feel I'm not absorbing the nutrients needed to build the adrenals. Symptoms suggest this is somewhat a part of my illness.

Forget the gladulars.

>>Liver congestion – Starting to believe this is playing a significant role in my poor health, especially my bowel health and inability to absorb nutrients. The most obvious sign is the tenderness and dull ache/heaviness around the liver and gallbladder area beneath my rib cage on the right side. Belly distension, constipation, nausea, loose stools and diarrhoea, pale stools, abdominal ache, gas and bloating could all be a congested liver and/or bile problems, as well as a circulating toxicity feeling causing feverish and almost flu like symptoms constantly. The emotional stress over the years is likely to fundamentally have weakened the liver, although the same could be said for other organs/systems such as the adrenals and bowel.

Avoid falling into the "fatty liver"/"liver congestion trap/fantasy/assumption.

>>Digestion – Fundamentally need to get this working. Have tried bitters, B vitamins, HCL, digestive enzymes. The Chinese bitters constipate me,

Are you sure it's the bitters? Have you tried TMG?

>>B vitamins I don't feel I'm absorbing


>>, apple cider vinegar irritates my stomach and gut,

You should be able to tolerate and even enjoy trying the product below. A couple tablespoons in almost any kind of fluid. Helped me a ton. Not sure if she ships to the UK, but I'd contact her. Fairly new company/product, small business with incentive to expand/reach new markets.

>>HCL and DE's may be helping but it's hard to tell.

DE is a must.

>>Probiotics are constipating.

How can you be certain of this? You attributed bitters to the same. What probiotics are you using?

>>Feels like I'm not absorbing or digesting any foods properly.

You probably aren't. Have you considered the alternatives (green drinks, kefir, salts, easily digested foods - densely packed with vitamins and minerals, liquidated foods, purees, etc.)?

>>My attempts to 'copy' the dietary and supplemental regime that I followed during this period have not been successful.

Do you remember what they were? Do you recall any external or more cognitive forces which might have contributed?

>>Despite the above I'm actually a fairly chirpy and humorous guy, although this is often suppressed by my poor health.

Palpable. Your mind and ability to express are clear and focused. Note and take comfort in the fact that this is apparent. It will serve you.

>>Particularly interested in hearing from those that have held down office or computers jobs or negotiated sedatry/isolated lifestyles that tend to feed Depression and isolation.

The sedentary and isolated modality must be modified, but is understandable and difficult to adjust. That you are making it to work is either an accomplishment to be commended or an indication that you are in better condition than many others. Could be an age thing - also related to the length of time your body has been fighting whatever it is.

>>Hoping for a miracle. Thank you for reading.

The "miracle" is that your body is designed with the motivation to function optimally. The miracle is your mental and physical *reality* within.


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