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Re: "To summarize, there is no evidence to support iodides as a cause of comedonal acne."
  Views: 4,289
Published: 15 y
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Re: "To summarize, there is no evidence to support iodides as a cause of comedonal acne."

Its of no concern. I mean, who ya gonna trust, some johnny come lately know it all type, or UCLA Professor Abraham who's researched Iodine for 30 years in various clinical settings, not to mention all them other Iodine MD's whose work we discussed repeatedly ?

I've seen more than one writer allege that in "some" people Acne is induced from iodine, but if that were true, then its not the Iodine that's responsible, its something else that is the cause of it - it is the thing that makes those very few people "sensitive" that is responsible.

And we've known what it is that makes them sensitive for quite some time, have we not ?

I interpret an allegation that its the iodine, when in fact the other underlying factor is what is responsible as exhibiting a lack of depth of thought and a propensity towards making quick conclusions, and if they do it on one topic, chances are, being the creatures of habit we are, they do it on other topics as well.

I still find it amusing that some believe walnut contains iodine, but like I said, those who are apt to draw quick conclusions are error-prone.

But I guess if one were to claim to know a lot and expound on it all in a relatively short time period, necessity would require them to draw a lot of quick conclusions.

No big deal, just recognize it for what it is.



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