Re:"iodine, applied topically in minimal or maximal doses, NEVER induces pustules"
Wombat, yes yes... so many things are trending as you say. In the right way.
Good lord, how could I ever articulate the many things that were happening in the beginning, and not understanding what the hell was happening. Frontal lobe headaches that felt like a cleaver through the skull. Skin tingling, crawling, itching. Joint and muscle pain galore. Cramping. The metallic taste that came on with a roar... now THAT really threw me for a loop. Metallic-y stools and urine. Arm pits that I could no clean no matter how hard I scrubbed.
As we learn later, evil, bad things were being ejected. How do you warn people of this? Now we know. But when in the frying pan, it is spooky, scary, unnerving. Trusting in it was the ticket.
I just tell people, get thee to the VWT Team and trust yourself, and them. Still, I am constantly amazed at the amount of damage, and correction, that continues to take place. It is miraculous. It's a bit zany to look forward to the day when at my age, I stop breaking out. To be honest, it is like 98% abated now anyway, so am almost there. I know there is work that continues tho... and that the finer things like high performance beer, the occasional fine liquor, and elegant cuisine, are going to be part of it all. Hell yes...