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Re:"iodine, applied topically in minimal or maximal doses, NEVER induces pustules"
cougar Views: 4,458
Published: 15 y
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Re:"iodine, applied topically in minimal or maximal doses, NEVER induces pustules"

were they really slow to heal? I got one on my bicep right after starting Iodine again 3 weeks ago and it is finally about gone. never came to a head, just red bump and tender

did you get whitehead zits or just red bumps.

I have gotten a few whiteheads in some weird places recently too. one in my low abdomen in my pubic hair...I had to pull some hairs out to get the damn thing to drain....infected hair follicle

hmmmmm, that was something that started as a kid. puss filled hair follicles, and I figured out that if i pulled on the hair it came out really easily usually and then I could drain it and it would heal.

huh, that would be interesting if the bromide was causing that all these years......


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