Re: High IQs and a less than smart plan
Silver, unless additional mystical properties are applied to it, makes no logical sense. If it EVEN works at all, it is more likely to nuke good intestinal flora first and foremost, probiotics and prebiotics or not.
Furthermore, I can absolutely see how even that would help certain persons with what appear to be candida symptoms: the silver kills off some underlying infection that is keeping the immune system down, freeing it up to tackle candida, and despite the negative effects of devastated gut flora, the net effect is still positive. HOWEVER, that may or may not stand true, but definitely only for persons suffering from concurrent infections.
Personally, I now realize that my first encounter with candida was over 20 years ago, when I was about 4 years old: a vicious rash response to any sugar, a then-unidentified problem for which a doctor recommended regular applications of disinfectant to my penis, and what was diagnosed as "absolute lack of any intestinal flora". That pretty much rules out any underlying diseases, especially considering how this all fits with being born prematurely with a bloodtype utterly incompatible with one's mother's, bad childhood nutrition, never being breastfed, and numerous heavy
Antibiotic treatments (my immune system as a toddler sucked). Furthermore, you can hardly catch anything venereal at age 4, except from your mother, and she's certainly clean - visa requirements for testing and routine medical care have never shown up anything, and nothing nasty can sit there for a quarter of a century without ever making itself apparent anyway. As to how the candida problem (although never actually identified then!) got taken care of so well that it stayed down for 15 years, unfortunately, the medical records don't exist and no one really remembers the details any more... Plus, a lot of different strategies got thrown at it, and it's near impossible to tell what actually did the trick. Probiotics and diet (not lo-carb, though, rather no-meat) certainly played a part, and some herbs and other folk remedies were used, but my mother, for example, still insists what did it was BANANAS. Who knows?
Whatever the case, this stuff is definitely beatable if you don't have some compounding viral or bacterial infection and stay the hell away from
Antibiotics and bad nutrition...
..and I DAMN WELL REFUSE TO TREAT A FUNGAL INFECTION AS IF IT WERE A SYNDROME, or worse, a slow terminal illness. It certainly is curable, it certainly isn't something you have to learn to live with, and it certainly shouldn't turn you into an invalid unless you let it.