Re: Candida: Got sick and tired of it, decided to nuke it all-out with meds for a month (ketaconazole tabs + nystatin tabs + natamycin tabs + terbinafine tabs) and weather the sidefx. Curious about what I'm feeling though.
A lot of what you say about antifungals pretty much agrees with my own research. I agree ketaconazole is probably the best systemic accessible antifungal, but as you say, it is riskier than the others.
I can't fault your strategy. My fallback plan is not unlike yours. I have in mind to use nystatin, oral amphotericin B, itraconazole and lufenuron.
However I think an equally effective approach is to use diet and live probiotics like homemade cultured vegetables, kefir and yoghurt. It will take longer, but may have a more lasting outcome. You see one can continue eating CVs, kefir and yogurt forever, but I don't want to take AFs forever. Candida has a tendency to come back, even when you have clubbed it to death with AFs.
Perhaps you can look into taking some CVs, kefir or yogurt after you finish your AFs. They may protect you from reinfection.