Re: Pau Darco
Very interesting article, J. Thanks for posting.
Still leaves me fairly confused with respect to adequate copper level and ideal copper/zinc ratio.
Author advocates the hair mineral test, but also presents a caveat:
>>Copper is also linked to many other types of infections because zinc is needed for the proper immune response. Elevated or biounavailable copper often goes along with a low tissue zinc level, even though blood tests may be normal. Even a hair analysis is often normal.
One must always look for hidden copper signs on the hair mineral analysis for this reason. This is a great key to identifying copper imbalance today, as there are few other tests that may show evidence of it.
Okay - so just HOW does one identify "hidden copper signs" when the labs and his own doctor cannot?
And this grabbed me:
>>Copper and world violence. Copper tends to enhance all the emotions, so violence can occur far more in those with copper excess – a common problem today in many parts of the world.