"I have no problems with those who choose to eat meat as all choices are valid."
This response seems wishy washy to me. Like it's okay to do anything, because anything is valid? ALL choices are valid?? I prefer to take a stand and not be lukewarm or be a bystander to violence. Yes, blood sacrifice is violence. Let's call it what it is. There are just some things that must be judged. Such as killing. Something must die so that I can live. I don't like this fact. I think I may be returning to veganism sooner, as a result of this discussion. (By the way, I am just processing this all myself, pertaining to the use of the word "killing" and "violence".)
Thanks, Maya, for helping me attain further insight. This is not a criticism, for I truly have gained more awareness into my own behavior through this discussion.
By the way, please tell me how this R system works. The reason I ask is because I have sent alerts on this forum for extra good messages, and I never saw an R after them.