Re: Message for Invincible
Yes, I did give Turiya the R's on her post, simply because I thought it brilliant.
And I R'd my own post because a poster (not Turiya) had hit the R alert button for it, just like you hit the alert button for posts you have enjoyed.
And I moderate many forums on Curezone, even the ones I never post on and even the ones I have no interest on. Moderating does not take time, but posting does. It is easy to moderate with a few minutes to spare even on busy days.
Meat eating is not my sacred cow, but it seems that raw veganism is yours.
The interesting thing is, I notice that I eat as a raw vegan, not because I choose this label for some high moral ground from which to make other people less than me ... or because I see it as 'better than', ........ it actually chose me. One day, I just noticed I no longer ate animal flesh and I only needed a juicer, blender and dehydrator - it was not a conscious decision, just something that happened.
I don't see how and what someone eats as something to be used as justification to some higher spiritual ranking; because everyone, without exception is Spirit incarnate, irrelevant of food choices. We are all of the same Source.
I have no problems with those who choose to eat meat as all choices are valid. Even if the human race went vegan, you will never stop the lion from ripping the antelope to shreds or the fox hunting down the chicken. Arguing with nature is like trying to teach a dog to meow - hopeless.
Before casting more judgement, I suggest you take a closer look at your own shadows and motivations for posting. You playing the part of Victim is surreal.
In me, you saw you. In you, I see me.
I am not without fault or bias, (is anyone?) but I will attempt to own mine and seek to make corrections and find balance when I am made aware of them. So thank you for bringing your thoughts to my attention and I will inquire more deeply into them and see if I fit your notion of me.
We either believe our stressful thoughts or we question them - then the concepts and ideals let go of us ....... and all that remains is peace, love and appreciation.