EDIT.Re: Facts
I didn't say or comment that everything I posted on was my own work or research, but was merely to illustrate my own point of view.
It is very easy to comment that soil-depletion and therefore nutrient-depletion is touted by people wishing to sell supplements, but what I have picked up on over the years is that my own view re' supplements is based on that research and from a huge variety of sources.
It also stands to reason and logic that conventional farming methods do not replace those vital nutrients that we need for health.
Fertilizers in common agricultural use are known to be a known and common cause of nitrate pollution, and where their use mainly provides only three major plant nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, known as N-P-K.
They MAY also provide secondary plant nutrients such as calcium, sulfur, magnesium, but this does not account for the many other trace nutrients that are essential for human health.
Plants will take these nutrients from the soil, but unless they are replaced, subsequent crops will also be deficient.
Dr Lederman then must be unaware of the dire need for Vitamin D3 in optimal amounts and where natural food sources are woefully inadequate to meet our needs in preventing a myriad of diseases including cancer with this Vitamin or hormone-precursor; getting enough sunlight exposure in the Summer months (for those lucky enough to get it) does not meet our optimum needs in the Winter, where adequate sunlight exposure is almost impossible to achieve for optimum D3 levels.
This can also be said in our need for Ascorbate which amounts to several grams per day and impossible to achieve thru diet alone.
In an ideal World an ideal organic diet would be Utopian, but in a polluted World where foodstuffs are nutrient-deficient, supplementation is the best health insurance money can buy, and a lot cheaper than current medical insurance.
Everyone to their own, but this is (in my opinion) the only way to achieve optimum health and prevent nutrient-deficient diseases..............