Dude lighten up! Seriously, I did not know a thing about this stuff. A regular MD, although he does holistic as well, sent me home with this stuff for my teeth. Well lo and behold, I just got rid of a 10mm cyst/tumor on my kidney...how do I know? Because it was there on a scan as usual scans show it and have for eight years, this May. Suffice to say it is not there anymore after using the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for a few days. It's gone, completely normal scan. Was no fun going through it, thought I was dying! But am aive and well and it's gone...I'm so freaking happy over this I am doing the happy dance. Now if I can get over the inflammation in my tooth that still persists...so it's not helping with the inflammation, the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement that is what it was prescribed for...but damn a Kidney tumor there for eight years and tried everything under the sun natural to get rid of it..wayyyy cooler than inflammation being brought down.