Re: MMS2 generates chlorine
Hello Jpc258,
On the contrary, you need review the information I link to.
Read the article, and do a search to uncover other articles.
Interverview medical professionals and learn what part hypochlorous acid plays in the body, and ask them to speculate what effect ingesting calcium chlorite may have on the body.
Interview Naturopathic Doctors and see what they have to say about the ingestion of calcium chlorite.
Interview those that use oxidation therapy and see what they have to say about the ingestion of calcium chlorite.
Interview biochemists and ask them about the difference between oxidation and chlorination.
You are correct. I am biased. I listen to people who present the truth and review and believe the data they present after reviewing it and confirming their results with tests and inquiries of my own.
Jim Humble is presenting information contrary to what is understood in medicine and chemistry. He is backing up his opinions with the opinions of others. When asked for documentation to support his claims, he gives links to people and clinics that can not be found, or who have never heard of him.
He then tells the people who ask for documentation that he is paranoid and if he presented proof that
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement 2 worked he would end up in jail.
I find it very interesting that when discussing these chemicals with MD's, medical professionals, ND's, biochemists, and oxidation therapists, they freely discuss what is going on and have based their opinions on formal education, tests, clinical studies, and the information provided by the chemical manufacturers. They do acknowledge the part that the drug companies play in their profession, but they still run the tests and report their findings.
When their findings are results are questioned, they back them up with data and peer reviewed tests. They don't turn tail and sulk off to Africa to hide in the villages.
I do believe that the drug companies have the ability to "color" test results to their advantage, but this is usually an issue with new drugs. The use of chlorine and chlorine dioxide as disinfectants are hardly new discoveries, so I tend to think the published data is most likely reliable.
Keep in mind that it is possible to come up with new applications, but the burden of proof rests with Jim Humble, and at this point he seems to be too paranoid to be able to provide more than anecdotal stories.
I do check the news daily to see if there is any stories on how malaria and HIV and AID's have been totally eliminated from a village in Africa, but so far this news hasn't surfaced. Initially, Jim Humble claimed to cure malaria in less than a day. He has been in Africa for a little longer than that, so where are the results...?
Oops, I forgot... If the results ever got out, "they" might find him and throw him in jail. Better to keep everything quiet...