So thanks for 'keepin it real'.
As always PTree, thank you for your patience with my probably redundant questions. You seem to be one of few who doesn't mind answering the same questions over to the new people. That is such a blessing because it would be impossible to not only look up but remember all the FAQ's and posts. I remember someone saying something about 'spoon feeding' and it really got me angry because damn it somewhere along the line, everyone has been spoon fed. One thing that I hate about message boards is that you'll always get these arrogant people who forget that they were once 'ignorant' too.
Ok here endeth my rant...:)
I'm ending my 10 day Mc and am wondering wether to keep doing the PB shakes and salt flushes. I was thinking about doing the pb shake first thing on an empty stomach and the salt flush about an hour after that. PTree? Anyone else? I also started my period today and wondered about it being easier (cramp wise) because I ususally get constipated too but now with all these flushes perhaps things will be less painful. Ok so that's it for me. Have a blessed day everyone.