Hi Ocean...you must have been receiving my pensiveness regarding constipation just now! I've been thinking and thinking how I can help a friend with his constipation. He really needs to clean out the toxins in his bowel, yet he is very constipated and he's tried psyllium before, but it bungs him up. So here you come along with this interesting solution! I wonder if there is any reason why you wouldn't still be getting out toxins this way? And do you think that whole husk psyllium with the same juice combo might work too? Or do you really think that the powder has a lot to do with it? hmmmm. I wonder if one of those B&P's with pulpy juice once a day with another 2 water b&p's would do the trick too? The first juice b&p could help the bowels move and the other two later could do the cleansing? hmmmm Please let me know how you do....if you get out any ropes this way!