well so far I have taken 6 droppersfull of ech
8 cloves of garlic
I felt so bad earlier today with sinus pain that I had to lie down and I slept from 12 till 4.. woke up in pain again and this time it was really getting to me so I went in the kitchen and started my teakettle boiling and put my face right into the steam and it helped some ..so I went and took a shower and let all the hot steam get into my sinuses and that helped ..I think my sinuses are very dry from doing the irrigation yesterday .I am very reluctant to do that again cause it did nothing but put me in unbearable pain.
I broke down and took 2 wellness formulas this evening and they helped me a lot ..I just can't do without them for now
I did up my ech/garlic today and plan on taking another dose before bedtime
maybe tomorrow I will feel better
I really need a vaporizor to put in my room or a humidifier but right now boiling water will have to do