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Re: herbs for calming associative storms, (aspergers)
spudlydoo Views: 2,508
Published: 16 y
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Re: herbs for calming associative storms, (aspergers)

I have tried DPLA but to little effect, and it also made me feel nauseous. I don't get racing thoughts so much as just these episodes of not being able to control my mind making associations in response to triggers, with me its often words. Does your son feel he needs to verbalise his thoughts, or does he just blank out (this is how my partner describes what happens to me from his point of view). Sometimes I get very caught up in these associations and find it hard to be aware of whats going on around me. I'm not sure if this is what you mean by a mind/body dissconnect.

These storms are not dangerous or damaging to my health, just annoying, to me and others. I wondered if there was something that can be done, or if any other Aspies have any tricks to stop them. They do occur more often if I'm nervous or stressed, so maybe I need to look at herbs that deal with lessening stress.

Thanks for you insight Molly, its most appreciated :)



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