i like the advise, and it seems rather simple. Im 20 years old and just got the seb dermatitis last febuary. i try to drink a lot of water, eat healthy( yogurt, eggs, granola, fruits and vegetables) but not drinking alchohol hasnt really made it better or worse for me. Excersise is a defenite plus but i didnt think that the sweat and dirt that accumulates on the face could trigger outbreaks. Even though i get the redness and dry flakes next to my nose and just above my lips, my main concern is my lips themselves. A few times i had a horrible red irritating right on my lip line. just above the corner of my mouth i am constantly getting redness that will come and go. It only really affects the left side of my lips. To top it off, i have extremely dry lips all the time. I'll have my lips peel and tiny white pieces of skin will appear on my lips. Someone on this forum said that seb derm, and exfoliative cheletis are the same. Have you found that the seb derm has affected your lips and around your lips with symptons like exfolotiative cheletis?