I have had Seb. Derm since 21 and am now 39. Mostly I get it on face.
Over the years I have had a lot of time to find out what does and does not work controlling seb.d. Learn from my discoveries. You need to learn the mechanism of Seb.Derm and triggers. Seb.Derm. is an autoimmune disease. It has mainly to do with the cycle of sebum (fatty oil) glands, pithy sporum fungi that feed off of sebum/lipids. Pithy and sebum are not the disease they are one of the main engines of the aggravators. The disease itself is autoimmune.
1-Shave using electric razor twice a day. Once Before bed. Once in the morning. Letting facial hair go more then 12 hours or especially -sleeping on stubble is 100% guaranteed to cause an outbreak. The longer you go the much worse it will get. Razors tend to irritate the skin.
2-Keep skin clean. Never let sweat and dirt sit long on the face. I found the autoimmune disorder part of Seb.D is not just the sebum/pithy cycle but also a hypersensitivity to things that aggravate the skin. Sweat and dirt inflame and trigger an outbreak. Rinse face off frequently with water if sweating.
3-Use lipid free soap from your dermatologists. Seb. Derm is an auto immune disease response mainly to a combination of our sebum and pithy. Fungi. Pithy feed off of lipids that are present in our sebum but lipids are also present in soaps and and moisturizers. Use only lipid free soap- NEVER use moisturizers. Desonide and elodel can be used in moderation and help eleviate dry skin.
4-A small dose of sunlight-UV to the face as little as 12 minutes once a week makes dramatic changes at stopping and preventing outbreaks. UV kills pithy and bacterial. Only small doses is needed . To much of course is trouble.
5-Alcohol consumption will 99% guarantee an outbreak. I have had to eliminate alcohol altogether.
6-Stress is big factor. In particular the kind of stress that overwhelms and causes you to get that “flush” feeling in your face. That flush feeling is an aggravator.
5-Chocalate and excess sweets carbs can cause an outbreak. I have found this to be very true.
6-Red Meat and greasy foods can cause and aggravate outbreaks. I stay away from burgers. Saturated fats, greasy foods tend to kick sebum production into high gear and can lead to an outbreak.
7-I have not experimented with cider as of yet but may give a try. I avoid cider external because the inflammation from the acid itself is an aggravator. And cause redness irritation. I will give internal a try.
i like the advise, and it seems rather simple. Im 20 years old and just got the seb dermatitis last febuary. i try to drink a lot of water, eat healthy( yogurt, eggs, granola, fruits and vegetables) but not drinking alchohol hasnt really made it better or worse for me. Excersise is a defenite plus but i didnt think that the sweat and dirt that accumulates on the face could trigger outbreaks. Even though i get the redness and dry flakes next to my nose and just above my lips, my main concern is my lips themselves. A few times i had a horrible red irritating right on my lip line. just above the corner of my mouth i am constantly getting redness that will come and go. It only really affects the left side of my lips. To top it off, i have extremely dry lips all the time. I'll have my lips peel and tiny white pieces of skin will appear on my lips. Someone on this forum said that seb derm, and exfoliative cheletis are the same. Have you found that the seb derm has affected your lips and around your lips with symptons like exfolotiative cheletis?
Okay, let me explain, I was in the sun plenty of time! Hours at a time, doing certain things, for the WHOLE day.
DIRT is not the main cause of something like Acne or Seborrheic Dermatitis . Oily skin might just be a sign of something bad hapenning inside your body, like maybe it's trying to get rid of something of your body that it doesn't need.
SUN does NOTHING. Maybe for psoriasis, as it is vitamin D (maybe, I do not have the condition), but not for S.dermatitis.
KEEPING skin clean or dirty does NOTHING, taking showers everyday, to taking showers in long spaces of time (where I went away somewhere and couldn't shower often), at the particular time, my S.dermatitis was the best.
And at this particular time that I am talking about, I was probably under the biggest STRESS of my entire life, or close to it, one of the closest, my S.Dermatitis was looking the best and is reversing.
Stop putting shit on your skin and go on a vegetable only diet with water. You could probably eat some other things, but I was on the safe side and didn't want to risk anything.
This might not be overnight! What happens first is that the scales should come off, then the red goes from pink and eventually to your normal skin.
BUT! I remember at times my S.Dermatitis was extremely inflamed and red from eating shit like Mcdonalds or any other fast food. It became very RED.
"SUN does NOTHING. Maybe for psoriasis, as it is vitamin D (maybe, I do not have the condition), but not for S.dermatitis."
That is in your experience. For others like myself, sun is one of the best things for seb dermititis. Sun and humidity and sauna is the best. When winter comes, so does my sd. Also washing daily or more is a must for me or the oils just pile up and the dermatitis worsens. It isn't really what I eat that makes it worse either, since I have been on many different diets, it is hormonal with me as it started at puberty. I could say that the less I eat the better it gets, so probably have a problem filtering through the liver or kidneys. Also runs in the family on my mother's side as she has it and her father had it.
Seb.D. definitely has something to do with the liver. When my liver got sick last year, that is when the seb d. showed up. I personally am going the liver route. I have done one liver flush, will do more. I am taking things to help with liver detoxification and helping the blood filter better through the liver. This is just my opinion, but I am staying on this course for awhile. And, yes, the sun does help me too.
I'm on this liver course too. I'm taking pills for liver detox and after a month my SD is under control on my face but there hasn't been much improvement but I guess it takes time. I totally agree with quincyjonesfan1, exactly same scenario, dirt on face is not the problem. I have concluded that the problem is in damaged/toxicated liver or leaky gut.
Right now I'm on liver detox.
What liver detox pills are you taking? Are you taking milk thistle or globe artichoke? I have done some of that, but probaly need to go back on. I did a Standard Process Cleanse that cleansed the blood, skin, kidneys, and liver. I saw parasites during that cleanse. I've done one Liver Flush and saw lots of very small stones. I will do more liver flushes. I guess we have to just keep on this path, but seb.d. can be discouraging.
I don't have any scaling, but have scalp itch, inflammation and hair loss. The hair loss is the most discouraging. I am trying everything to save my hair. I am wondering if it will grow back once the inflammation stops. Do we have this condition because we are just so toxic?
I had a hair analysis test done and am high in mercury, arsenic and aluminum. I started trying to chelate with a product called Metal Free(very expensive). I have had to cut down to one drop a day, because I was getting headaches from the product at 3 drops a day. So I know that means I am toxic and my liver is struggling to get rid of the toxins. I got seb.d. last year when I got sick and my body was loaded with toxins. Does anyone on this panel think we can actually get rid of seb.d. if we get rid of Toxins???
I'm taking liveraid from calivita, it's avaliable in europe don't know other continents. It has all ingridients for liver detox and the plant sylmarin not artichocke. I'm using them for about nearly 2 month. No great results in the meantime, there is just a better control in face redness around nose but scalp is the same full of flaky plates and hair is dropping off and thinning. Before that I done 6 liver flushes, there were some smaller stones and on the 5th and 6th there weren't any stones just some slug and sand.
Right know I'm focused on liver but I think the real problem is damaged gut, not necessarily leaky gut but some part that is not function properly. I tried drinking aloe vera for 3 month and for 1 month glutamine. Both are great for gut but no results, and if there were any they are small. Biggest results I have achieved is going mainly raw vegetables and throwing bread and all other wheat products. In a week redness and itching was gone. I had to cancel that cause I was loosing weight very fast.
Yesterday I started oil pulling with sunflower oil and I can see there's something happening cause SD on my face got pretty bad and before that it was mostly clean. My food regime hasn't changed, sugar, milk and junk food is forbidden to me. So we will see how it goes in a month or two now I know at least it's working.
Your hair will grow back, don't worry about it, it is best indicator of inner health. I guess the body tries to get rid of toxins that's why it's dropping off and thinning (at least in my case it first started thinning and than dropping). Some hardcore vitamins like twinlab stopped that but as soon as stop taking pills everything goes back to old.
It's definitely connected to toxins and liver cause great example is I don't sleep for 7-8 hours only 2 or 3 than my symptoms on face get worse! Same thing if I get full sleep and my face is clean in the morning by the evening it gets worse meaning liver just can't handle that amount of toxins. Now the big question where the hell all that toxins are coming from? Well only answer to that is gut, it's like a closed circle. Gut leaks toxins to blood, liver cleans the blood and sends toxins back to gut and so on and on.I have a theory on this. We have to compare us with Psoriasis sufferes, what's the main difference between them and us? They can have it on whole body and we can only at certain places where oild glands are. Psoriasis and SD are beeing solved through diet and detox but they look and act similar and no one understands connection and what is real problem. To me it looks like in Psoriasis they have complete system failure for managing toxins and in our case everything else failed (kidney, gut, lymph nodes) except liver. Liver doesn't know how to handle that extra toxins load so she sends toxins to skin, specfically to oil gland part. Why there? Cause there lives fungus Pityrosporum ovale which eats oil and with it toxins! Of course immune system is lowered or even turned off in that parts so Pityrosporum ovale can multiply itself so they can eat more toxins! That's why antifugal shampoo work! They are killing Pityrosporum and the redness goes away, Pyto destroyed but immune is still off on that parts cause toxins are still in us!And is you don't shampoo pyto comes back on that parts. That's why steroids work, they are crusing that immune border and immune takes over that isolated part which has been left over for Pityrosporum. Steroids are not supressing immune system but that immune border so again if you stop using them border is reestablished and pyto comes back and colony starts growing again and process of detox can continue.That's too great example how immune system is powerful hwne you put steroid cream in a minutes redness and itching is gone cause immune is destroying them not antifungal component. This clearly shows how it's easy for body to handle that fungal problems especially on skin main problem is why it wont' do it, now you now it. SD is most brilliant way to get rid of toxins. Doctors say that immune is fighting against them which is BS, cause if that were truth than every part of skin with oil glands would be affected and there are very strict boundaries of redness and affected skin are which is not coincidence, for example you have it on one place on head and other if just fine. As there are more toxins in our body bigger area of skin is immune isolated so Pityrosporum can enjoy and that is shown at the begining when a small area are opened and we do not notice it and with time area becomes lager and larger until it comes to our face but than it's too late. But than again I'm not a doctor and this could be completely wrong but I know everything in nature isn't wrong especially our bodys which are perfect machines, main problem when we are born we don't get instruction manual for it :)
Cheers and sorry for my speeling and not so great english:( but for ordinary people like us is enough :)
I agree with you, it is the toxins in our body that is probably causing this. But it is so...hard to get rid of them. I got this last year when I had a toxic overload and my liver was overloaded. I even got brown spots on my hand which means liver. I had extreme gut problems. Now I have the gut problems under control and eat hardly any fruit(because of Sugar and candida), no other sugars except a little milk or yogurt. I guess I shouldn't drink milk at all. I only dring about 8 oz. every 4 days. It is hard to cut out everything. I eat no bread or wheat, only a little quinoa grain about 3 or 4 times a week. I would like to eat just raw vegetables, but am like you, I would lose too much weight.
Do you eat any meat? I eat chicken and turkey(not that much) and once in awhile red meat. Do you think red meat is a total no no? It takes iron to regrow hair and I would like to try to regrow some. I have lost a lot of hair with this seb d. and would like to try to get some back.
My whole head itches... not all at once, but I have this on my whole head, no flaking, just itching, inflammation, and hair loss. Almost nothing stops the itching. I am using anti-fungal shampoos and it helps a little, but not that much. I would oil pull, but I don't want it to get worse with the hair loss.
I have taken silymarin, not for 3 months, need to go back on liver detox. I have colon cleansed, did a whole body detox for skin, kidneys, lymph, blood and liver. I only saw more hair fallout. I have found out that I am high in a few heavy metals and am starting to try to chelate that. I am only able to take 1 drop of the Metal Free because I got a headache at 3 drops. I know this means that I am really toxic in these heavy metals, and that might be part of the problem also.
I have put minoxidal(Rogaine) on my head for the past 3 weeks to see if that would help with the hair fallout, but it hasn't. I am sure that is probably just adding more toxins and I should stop.
My liver was having such a hard time detoxing things that I couldn't take my estrogen, because the liver wasn't detoxing it quick enough. I am now taking a product called Antronex from Standard Process. This product says it is the detoxifying hormone of the liver. It is a liver extract.It is the blood filtering fraction of the liver. Since taking it, I can now take estrogen a little.
I know this is a detoxifying issue, and this will take time. The only thing that I worry about is that I have not heard anyone who has this to a great degree say they are 80% better. What a blessing that would be.
Do you think I should follow the diet in the Psoriasis book I have ordered? I believe it is along the lines of what we are doing. It says NO red meat.
Do you think your additional Liver Flushes helped your seb d. at all? Could you tell? Or did you just get worse for awhile as the body was releasing toxins? Let's keep in touch!
I was like you avoiding everything now I eat almoust everything including red meat. Milk is extremely forbidden cause symptoms get worse 200%. Sugar also because of the Acne but in long term helps SD too. I tried colon detox with Bentonite clay and psyllium husks and there were no results at all. I tried oil of oregano for candida and that was biggest mistake cause flaking in my hair was terrible even shampoo was helpless against it so I had to stop. Same thing with Pau d'Arco. Don't know why it reacted so bad, is it the candida inside me or I'm heavily toxic so my liver get overwhelmed?
Well if it's not affacting your weight too much, than go to Psoriasis diet if not don't. Liver Flushes wasn't helpful at all for SD, infact during first day or two skin was terrible! redness, flaking, itching all on 100% during first day or so.It was everytime same thing on all 6 flushes. My skin on face would look so bad I wouldn't go outside my room. That is another proof that problem is in gut where toxins come to our system and overwhelm the liver.
Those flushes helped my to get rid of my allergies on grass and some other food.
I tried with running, around 5km (3miles) per day and that helped alot. For a month my symptoms were at minimum and redness on my face was almoust gone. It's clear that toxins are beeing burned in our muscles during exercise with other nutrients. I had to stop again cause of my weight. You see no matter how much I eat I cannot gain weight. I think next thing will be enzymes to help gut with digestion. But all this experimenting only costs money and no results. My parents are alredy freeking out when I mention a new theraphy.
Hi, Thanks for responding. Yes, I believe we are heavily toxic and our liver is overwhelmed. Oil of oregano and pau d'arco are helping us to detox and as we are detoxing, I'm afraid maybe some of the toxins are trying to leave through our skin. I'm thinking we need to detox slowly. This is just a thought. It seemed like when I was trying to detox too fast, my symptoms got worse also.
The liver is tied to digestion. If your liver is struggling, your digestion will be bad. If you help your digestion with digestive enzymes or HCL, you are giving your liver a little break because it doesn't have to work so hard. You are so young. Do you have bad digestion? The enzymes helped me to gain weight. If you aren't digesting your food properly it is hard to gain weight.
Why is milk so bad? Is it the milk Sugar or milk fat(saturated)? What about fat free yogurt? So red meat is okay with you?
Thank you for telling me about your Liver Flush experience. Even though your symptoms got worse, you were doing your liver a favor. The sludge and gritty stuff you mentioned getting out on your sixth flush was also good too. I would like to do more flushes, but maybe we should just cleanse the liver for awhile. I think the reaction we get by cleansing the liver won't be as drastic to our skin. There is a herb call bupleurum that I am thinking about trying soon to cleanse the liver. Hveragerthi, who has his own forum "truth in medicine", says it is good herb to cleanse the liver with and he is usually correct.
I have sat out in the sun this week 3 times, and it has helped my scalp I know. I am thinking about possibly? getting a UV light for winter. I don't know, but I think I may look into it.
I think it definitely has a problem filtering through the liver or kidneys. The less I eat the better it is also. Have you tried liver or kidney cleanses? Just an idea for us.
' Seborrhea on the face and body gets better if it is washed every day with soap and water. Rest and exercise, especially outdoors, also help. Sunlight seems to stop growth of the yeast organism that causes affected areas to become inflamed.'
"Seasonal Changes - The lack of UV light during the winter months causes flare ups. The suns rays help to slow down cellular turnover, which is beneficial to the condition. In addition, the cold dehydrates the skin which can make the appearance of the flaking worse."
So...sun and warmth=good, cold=bad.
Maybe you are the one that is mixed up about which one you have...
Wrong, the fact is that I've had my stuff tested, it came up S.Dermatitis in the lab.
In fact, S.Dermatitis is affected by anti fungal shampoo's and pills.
The internet has lots of valued and BS information, in fact a lot of the information is BS on the internet, don't believe everything you hear. Remember, somebody, a PERSON wrote that, one person wrote that statement. The internet is not some holy grail, George the Dummy.
And in fact I spent nothing but days and many hours in the sun for whatever reasons to not get any change (not force ably, I was doing something). But in fact, a popular remedy to fight off Psoriasis is vitamin D AKA the sun, which many people in fact try to cure/suppress their psoriasis. Although not everyone uses vitamin D, some people use the tanning booth to cure/suppress their Psoriasis and do. I think I heard someone mention that they cured their " Seborrheic Dermatitis " when they want into the tanning salon, heh.
Maybe you're the one who needs a slap in the face too. What's wrong? You get called stupid by your teacher and ever since that day you've been trying to prove her wrong?
Can you talk to a person without getting nasty when they disagree with you?
Good to know that there is a lot of bs out there on the internet. Without you telling me that I wouldn't have known.
And considering that I have been to a couple of dermatologists with this condition and told what I have and had it explained to me and it agrees with what is posted on the medical sites on the net and with each other, it makes them a lot more credible than you.
Sure got you riled up though. You must have been shaking with emotion when you wrote that.
What do I deserve for this post? A slap in the face and a kick in the ass? lol....
The dermatologists that sit all day on their ass giving out poisonous medicine that actually does nothing? And they know it does nothing, but what do they do? They still do nothing, hurrah! The almighty dermatologists!
Come on, you think I'm ever going to take advice of a money scheming dermatologist or whoever in health care they may be?
You think dermatologists know anything? They are the biggest quaks ever, they say stuff like they're having retarded spams, you ask what's the root of a cause of this disease to a dermatologist and they'll randomly spasm out an answer which they know nothing about and have no context in comparison with the health issue. They just want to seem credible, intelligent and in a state of power, but for me, it isn't going to be that easy to become bamboozled.
Nope, I was not angry, never am. If you check my posts or actually know me, I never get angry, I'm just sick of how f***ing stupid homosapiens are, even though they have all the opportunities to denounce this stupidity. What is this Earth?! The animal kingdom?
Whether you agree with the treatment the dermatologist gives you is your business. That is not what I was discussing. I was discussing the definition of sd. Someone out their defined what that is and the possible symptoms and gave it a name...just like the sky and the grass and the trees were named by somebody.
From that definition of what I have and possible causes, I treat it my own way.
As for psoriasis, I have a friend that has that, and it doesn't look the same as sd, which I have.
"Nope, I was not angry, never am. If you check my posts or actually know me, I never get angry, I'm just sick of how f***ing stupid homosapiens are, even though they have all the opportunities to denounce this stupidity. What is this Earth?! The animal kingdom?"
"the fact is that I've had my stuff tested, it came up S.Dermatitis in the lab."
You find homosapiens stupid, yet you trusted one of them to test your skin condition in a lab and tell you it is sd. Maybe that person was incompetent and gave you a false result.
Yes, Seborrheic Dermatitis has a name, a name exclusive to the health issue at hand. People seem to get confused with S.D and other eczema or Psoriasis conditions.
The fact of the matter is, everyone reacts the same to a treatment (only in health care, the treatments are quite poisonous so the body tries to fight it off, causing different reactions), when Psoriasis patients go to the dead sea holiday to get the feelings of the sun, their Psoriasis automatically goes away. IF you were to eat candy, considering you had no problems within your tongue, you would feel a sweet taste.
The fact of the matter is that my Seborrheic Dermatitis is 100% SD because it is lab tested. Not only that, it reacts to anti fungal treatments. Two reasons to why I had SD.
Of course homosapiens are STUPID (there are a few out there that do not equate to this invisible law of mine)!
Although you seem to not be understanding what I'm talking about, I'm talking about right now 6.7 billion m*o*o*ns, with a population of say 100,000 (all estimates, don't get your panties in a bunch, you often do) of true homosapiens in their higher form.
With that, any kind of m*o*o*n can do some scientific research, start a crappy business, run the projector in a cinema or do tests in a lab. Stupidity does not equate to being incompetent.
To be a dermatologist, you must go to school, once you learn from school, you can only be as intelligent as what you have learned. Considering you went to school, you are succumb to information very easily (believe anything you are told) and since you went to school and not built your own path, then you are a sheep.
These m*o*o*ns who try to beat the enlightened ones are not able to do so, if they did, literally a paradox will occur. The enlightened will always be enlightened, while the blind will always be the blind.
I had seborrheic for more than 6 years. I tried several medications including steriods which helped a bit at first but stopped working after a while. Out of desperation, I searched online for natural treatments and I finally came across Dr. John's video on youtube. google it: dr john happyhealth4life dandruff Seborrheic Dermatitis cure treatment
Publisert 3. nov. 2016
THIS IS PART 1, FOR PART 2 GO TO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B9jZ... Seborrheic Dermatitis , also called dandruff, is a skin condition that mainly affects the scalp, face, chest and groin areas. Symptoms of this condition are: inflammation, scaling, greasy skin, itching, yellow scales, hair loss etc. Find out how to treat and cure this problem with natural treatments. Dandruff and hair fall are two of the most common hair problems experienced by almost everyone.It's frustrating, annoying and embarrassing.But don't worry!! here is a miracle remedy to banish those pesky white flakes, to help you get rid of itchy scalp, to make your roots stronger and leave your hair smooth and lustrous.Sharing one of the cheapest & most effective means to prevent hair falls & dandruff. For some it may not work also because the causes of hair loss varied from person to person like hereditary factors, dandruff, weather change, health reasons etc.Apple cider vinegar is just the right pH for your skin and it can help control your dandruff because it gets rid of excess oils, plus it’s anti-fungal. You can either mix a cup of apple cider into your shampoo to create your own dandruff shampoo if you have pretty bad dandruff, or you can do weekly rinses of your hair with equal parts vinegar and water and rub it in for a few minutes, then use water to rinse the mixture out.
Baking Soda –
Baking soda can also reduce the presence of fungi on your scalp. Wet hair and massage a handful of baking soda to your scalp then rinse it all off.
Coconut Oil
Some shampoos already contain coconut oil, but you can always buy some organic coconut oil to and apply on your scalp and leave it on for at least 10 minutes. Coconut oil can treat dandruff because it’s another natural anti-fungal and it doubles as a hair conditioner too.
If your dandruff is really out of control use a shampoo containing 2.5% selenium sulfide.
Selenium sulfide is used to kill the fungus on your scalp that causes the dandruff, but it isn’t advised to use it very often. Try to limit the usage of this ingredient to only when you need it like maybe 2-3 times a month until your scalp gets better so you can use something more natural instead.
These are all great ways to treat dandruff and hopefully cure it by eliminating the fungus that causes it. Hopefully within a couple days your dandruff will go away and you can once again wear all the black clothing you want without constantly checking your shoulders and back to make sure it isn’t covered in flakes. Tea Tree Oil – Also a good Acne fighting ingredient, tea tree oil has anti-fungal properties so that it can help limit and kill off the growth of malassezia fungi. 5% tea tree oil concentration is all you need for it to be effective against fungi. How do you get rid of Dandruff? I've been getting a lot of questions about Seborrheic Dermatitis (the medical term for dandruff) - what is it, why you get it and how to treat it - so I thought I'd try to answer some of these in this video!
There are a few reasons why you may get Dandruff - genetics and environment are usually the most common. But this is a VERY common condition that is very controllable and simple to treat.
Anybody who have separate dermatitis or diabetes should watch this video. Seborrheic dermatitis is not to be taken lightly. if you don't control it now it will get worse and symptoms will start showing even vigorously. Seborrheic dermatitis can happen on your face or head scalp sometimes in between your butt cheeks anyplace can be affected by Seborrheic dermatitis. if you have diabetes and seborrheic dermatitis you should definitely watch this video and try to control both of the diseases as fast as possible otherwise things will get much worse.
Seborrheic dermatitis
Also called: seborrheic eczema
Symptoms of separate dermatitis include flaking of hair peeling off of skin on your face. it's enough of scalp redness on your skin unusual rashes on your skin are all symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis if you have both seborrheic dermatitis and diabetes you should definitely control it as fast as possible.