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this worked for me:
HarmonicCharge Views: 2,500
Published: 16 y
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this worked for me:

What worked for me:

I would take a large dose if Iodine (Lugol's) and spend the rest of the day "recovering" with the salt, C, and selenium. More than one serving of the C and salt, of course, and magnesium at night.

It seemed harder to me even if I put a little Lugol's in my drinking water and drank little by little.

I could just imagine an inner explosion of toxins being released from the body from the big whammy morning dose, and then attempted to mop it up with the companions, and all the while, this foum was my moral support!

Maybe try just one dose and see if it is easier for your body to handle?

Sometimes 3 days in a row would really pile up the bad effects, and going off for one day or two would really help things. Then start back on the attack of those toxins once you feel normal.

Good luck!


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