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what might be causing it...
herbun Views: 2,488
Published: 16 y
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what might be causing it...

just had an idea why I feel so bad. its esp in the mornings.
now, when splitting Iodine in 2 intakes, 4 drops each, a day, I think it might be not a wise idea to take the second Iodine supply in the evening( I did...). even with salt loading in front of iodine, it still needs to get out of the body and once sleeping, the toxins have no way out... until the next morning. I bet the kidneys stop working in the night when the bladder is full until you take your first pee in the morning so there might be a big bromine accumulation over night.
to prove that theory, I´ve taken the first 4 drops in the morning, the second 4 drops at 4pm, of course with salt loading before each, with an additional 2 salt loadings in the evening and night....
too bad that there are no studies with the bromide excretion on a hourly graph after Iodine supply... ;)


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