Re: Dude... [edit]
This was funny, though: "I know my wife, and though she may be a bit "wordy" as most women tend to be (please don't take this as a sexist remark ladies, just stating a fact)"
Not to split hairs, but that is way more "SEXIST" than saying "vaginal." You made a generalizing statement about an annoying thing that most women do, I just referred to biology. Hahaha! The vagina is part of the female body, Broseph. Just cuz I'm a dude and I use that word, it makes me a sexist?
I have a mom and two sisters. They all have vaginas. No sh-t. V-A-G-I-N-A-SSSSSSS. I didn't invent that word or assign it to that particular apparatus.
What if I were a girl and said "phallic," would the response have been the same? Nupper.
Onward and Outward.