Dude...Re: :) Absolutely! Re: my skyrocketed alkaline phosphatase levels
...ever hear the ole phrase "quit while you're ahead"?
Do you have any IDEA of the amount of people on this forum alone that are waiting for a response from me (not to mention emails?)...that are SERIOUS about healing themselves? Those with children AND jobs, that are forcing themselves to work every day while trying to cook for their families AND juice for themselves? People that have given up EVERY social activity and luxury they have...just to have enough money to send me $45 or $50 for herbs that will make the difference between them having enough energy to go to work tomorrow, or having to call in sick (and then, won't have enough money to buy groceries or pay their utitilies).
I think *VERY* guilty is likely more appropriate than you're willing to admit. Either your health is your main priority or it isn't...it's that simple. And after talking to a lil' birdie earlier, and you can be SURE you don't want to see it "in print".
You want self-esteem - you get that by doing what is right - NOT by making excuses!
You're no different than any one of us. We're ALL a victim of our own hands & forks. Every one us has willingly eaten food and taken drugs that has made us sick...every one us "trusted" in doctors/NDs before we researched to find if they were trustworthy; believed in "medicine & science" before we researched and decided if they were 'belief worthy'; ignored our inner voices and crammed our faces with
White Sugar , white flour, plastic "cheese", booze, drugs, dead carcasses and pus-saturated pasteurized fluid from animals out of our species. You're no more of a victim than anybody else on CZ...but you are in a FAR better position, both financially & logistically than 75% of the people on this forum.
When you're ready to take your healing seriously, then you know you can always find me right here....with no judgmentalism or criticism of legitimate questions & concerns. But your apparent self-pity, whines & excuses will not be tolerated - especially not when they take my time away from others who are serious.
I'm NOT 'picking on you', nor am I doing more than responding to what I know & see...and following the guidelines of one of the greatest healers in history (who said, "sympathy never healed ANYone - the only thing that will heal anyone is for them to take responsibility for themselves and heal themselves"). So I'm pushing you to 'take responsibility' so you CAN heal yourself successfully...because I DO give a d*mn about you!
Healthiest of blessings -