Re: Dude... [edit]
Nah, I'm out. I really do appreciate all you guys have done and the time you've taken on me and my problems, but obviously something is way skewed with the chemistry here.
It is really embarrassing to divulge personal, very telling information about yourself, goof on yourself for others to crack a smile, and then be painted (let's be frank: ganged up on) as some spoiled, layabout dude who is shirking the precious time he has for healing by engaging in extraneous endeavors and "social posts."
At the least, it's kind of unprofessional of Uny or Miss Helfinger to compare anyone to anyone. Seriously. "You have this and you have that and these people don't have anything, they have no time, they have no x,y,z." How do I know that? Because you say so? How do I know these other people aren't complete sociopaths who do whatever they feel like to whomever they feel like when they log off of Curezone?
Factually, it's just a bunch of strangers and words on a screen. However, somehow it becomes completely personal ALL THE TIME.
Sincerely, what do you people know about what someone else has been through or how they process pain? What do you know about any processes for that matter?
Lastly, some backsliding (unless everyone here is perfect) and asking a few things doesn't really merit having a new backside anyone. To assume that backsliding (a very strong word in my case, as you'll note all I did above was ask about a F'ING LIVER FLUSH) ISN'T part of this process is to be completely foolish and ignorant.
I honestly do appreciate the time you've taken on me.