Re: Hey H!!! Have YOU had any of these problems
Look I know you just got accused of bad health but you got some thing to learn as well:
"Funny how I am perfectly healthy and have been most of my life. Again, having the knowledge of how the body works and how things work in the body really helps.
You on the other hand I take is sick? I wonder why? Could it be a lack of knowledge about how Candida functions? And/or your anger and resentment that is suppressing your immune system allowing pathogens to take over in your body?"
"What do you know? You're sick. I'm the healthy one after all and I've been that way all along thus I'm the one people should be listening to. Why do you think you're still sick? It's because you're ignorant and stupid and you don't know what I know. A lot of the reason you're sick is the way you're behaving, when you stop behaving like that you won't be sick any more."
How about I show you how I would have said this in a nice way:
"Look I've never been sick but I kind of attribute that to good practice. I'm assuming you are still maybe sick? I really think the evidence I've provided against Moreless proves that his tactics will not help with this issue. And the way you let your anger go in my practice supports the disease you're trying to get rid of. Being so aggressive can let pathogens in. Look, my methods work wonders for this I've seen it time and time again and I think the evidence stands against what you're saying."
You maybe thinking I don't have the right to tell you how to talk, or that you're comfortable with what you said. And that's the way that is if true, but in my current perspective you just mentioned being aggressive as a way of opening the doors to disease. What you said up there, that's malicious whether you realize it or not. Plenty of peace loving vegan hippies I've found in my short life can kick you in the nuts with under the skin type comments. Are you one of those? Not necessarily I just used an extreme.
Saying things like that is emotional warfare of the viral type. Plenty of healthy people have given me nice long pretty sounding rants filled with advise, but that's all they were...pretty sounding. Having amazing health all your life is not the badge of honor you would think it should be. Getting very ill and fighting your way back to help people, now THAT'S a badge of honor and I appreciate some one like that(if their not lying which some of them do). If you want to prove to the intelligent and observant folks that you are a nice person, don't say things like that. Other wise by all means, continue.