Re: Trying to cleanse for heavy metals
If one does not have adequate supply of alkaline minerals FROM FOOD not from gimmicky pills and supplements, it will make one MUCH WORSE!!!
Total garbage!!! Alkalinity promotes Candida growth and aggressiveness. Candida is dimorphic, meaning it has both a yeast form and a fungal form. In an acidic environment the Candida growth gene is turned off and the Candida is kept in a relatively benign yeast form. This is why all the areas of the body in which Candida can normally be found are acidic. The acids come from the Lactobacillus bacteria, which produce lactic, acetic and fatty acids. In an alkaline environment the Candida growth gene is turned on, and the Candida goes in to a fungal form producing hyphae. The hyphae are little finger like projections that allow the Candida to dig deep in to the tissues and cause damage to organs and tissues.
Furthermore, the calcium hydroxide (lime) he promotes, as with all hydroxides are caustic. Lime for example, which is used to make cement, has a warning on the bag to avoid contact with the skin. This is because it will burn the skin. Milk of Magnesia (magnesium hydroxide) is another example. MOM is used as a laxative because it chemically burns the intestinal wall. This causes a release of fluid in to the intestines and promotes peristalsis. Of course chemically burning the tissues repeatedly also significantly increases the risk of cancer. Furthermore, hydroxides are some of the most powerful free radicals known!!! Tell me would you drink Drano (potassium hydroxide) or Red Devil Lye (sodium hydroxide)? These are also very alkaline and also very caustic.