I assume that you live in Seattle, SeattleTom. How long have you lived there? I lived on that rainy coast for a number of years and suffered the ill effects that lack of sunshine can bring. I tried to compensate but what did I end up doing? I moved to someplace with sun and it's like night and day (pun intended) health wise. Suicide and fatigue are common in the Seattle area. Nearby Tacoma Washington was the suicide capital of the US not long ago.
If you have a rainy disposition and want a sunny disposition, move to somewhere sunnier. I will never again live in a place with that little amount of sunshine. I have seen what it does to people and it changed me too. Yes there are depressed people in the sunbelt and sunlight is not a panacea but it is one of the foundations of health that can not be compensated for - no matter how much caffeine or nocotine or sunlamp you use. You can always get out of the sun but you can't get real sunlight any other way than from the source.