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Re: Banned from posting???
  Views: 3,047
Published: 16 y
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Re: Banned from posting???

kind of like getting kicked out of Tijuana. Aren't you glad ? I see that forum as a filter - I tend to distance myself from those who believe in fairy tales and that forum lets you see who the fairy tale believers are.

The only benefit in the concoction as far as I can tell, is the Iodine in the kelp. Since most folk are severely deficient in iodine, even adding a tiny amount such as is present in the kelp over a couple weeks time will in many cases show improvements. And that's a good thing, that ML is also promoting Iodine ingestion. That must be it, since there's nothing special about kelp "fiber" and certainly ML isn't pushing kelp for its arsenic content - it must be for the iodine.

The benefits grz saw was likely due to the iodine, not from molasses minerals, citrus or calx.

I think people who spend excessive amounts of time online as some forum owners , they tend to eventually lose touch with reality.



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