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Re: Banned from posting???
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Re: Banned from posting???

I remember Corinthian and he made many good points.  I did not see him post anything bogus, and he exposed so many of Moreless' lies.

The problem is that Moreless is making up his own "science" as he goes along.  For example his claim of a release of electromagnetic energy.  Apparently he does not know what the term means.  Or the term reduction as he thinks the nitrites are being being oxidized in to nitrates rather than being produced by bacteria through the reduction of nitrates as science has proven.  And Corinthian also pointed out to him that nitrogen is not protein as Moreless has claimed.  And again Corinthian was right.  And now I see some posts where Moreless is claiming there are subatomic minerals. Say what?!!!!  How can this be if minerals are made up of subatomic particles?  Again, he is making up his own science and using a lot of big scientific words that he does not even have a clue as to what they mean in an attempt to convince people that he is a lot more intelligent than he really is.  And when he was asked to provide proof that subatomic minerals exist he posted a link back to his own posts!!! What a joke!!!  Again, if he was even 1/100th as smart as he thinks he is then he should have several Nobel Prizes since he would be smarter than every scientist in the world.

And yes, things in science have been PROVEN wrong and we adapted to the new findings.  A great example is the finding that ulcers could be caused by a bacteria.  But the scientist that discovered this did not just go to the public and say believe me for I am smarter than God like Moreless implies. No, he gathered PROOF of his claim with solid scientific research and proved his case beyond a reasonable doubt.  He did not change the definitions of science to fit his needs as Moreless does. Why do you think Moreless attacks then bans those who question him and ask him for evidence? He does this because he makes up his own science to fit his needs, so no real evidence exists.  So he knows that he has been called on his BOGUS statements and is looking foolish.  So he lashes out with attacks then bans those who exposed his false claims so they can no longer make him look foolish.  If he really had a clue what he was talking about then he could easily stand up to these naysayers and make them look foolish by providing solid evidence, which testimonials are not.  The fact that he responds with lies about these people, incoherent religious rants, and bans people to prevent them from questioning the almighty God Moreless is just proof that he does not have a clue what he is talking about.

If you still need more proof then look at how often Moreless contradicts himself.  He claims that acids cause muscles to contract and cramp.  So how does our stomach work?  How do we get born since the acidic uterus would be in a constant state of contraction?  How do we have a bowel movement since our intestines would be in a constant state of contraction from the acids formed by the flora? How do we run when he claims the lactic acid formed would cramp our muscles.  Why did he recommend magnesium oxide and sulfate for someone having muscle cramps when he claims that it is calcium that relaxes the muscles.  And he claims that acids cause the muscle cramping.  But instead of recommending the calcium hydroxide he recommends magnesium, including the acidic magnesium sulfate.  So why is he recommending an acidic substance to stop a problem that he claims is caused from acid?  And Now I see him recommending acidic apple cider vinegar and acid forming probiotics.  At least he is learning from reading all my posts, but his recommendations are still in direct contradiction to everything he has been preaching.  But instead of just admitting he was wrong he just quietly incorporates what he is learning from my site making it sound like it was his idea in the first place.  And even a fifth grader knows that the muscles burn sugar, not protein.  Again, he just makes stuff up as he goes.  Then he talks about high brix.  Apparently another term he uses to sound smarter than he is, but does not know what it really means.  Brix is not a measurement of minerals, or alkaline potential.  Brix is nothing more than a measurement of sugar in solution.  Coca Cola is higher brix than any vegetable.  So is a glass of Kool Aid and high fructose corn syrup.  This does not make them healthy.  So if you and the other sheep want to follow someone that does not understand even the basics of science, medicine, or how the body really works then that is your business.  But as long as Moreless and his attack dogs want to keep lying about healing and about me then I am going to keep exposing their lies by posting the real facts!!!



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