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Re: Banned from posting???
Hveragerthi Views: 3,048
Published: 16 y
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Re: Banned from posting???

 One of the top two or three people here, and one who attibutes much of his success/recovery to ML. So I am willing to cut ML some slack. Even if I don't agree with how he runs things over there. Ultimately it boils down to results....

Results do not mean safe.  A woman can be given Premarin to stop her hot flashes.  So are the results worth it when the side effects include cancer, blood clots, hypothyroidism, weight gain, blood sugar problems...........?  His protocol may make some people feel better, but this does not change the fact that they are putting their health at risk in the long run.  This is one of the reasons that testimonials are not proof of anything other than the need to fill an already over inflated ego.  And when people say his protocol did not work for them, or they had side effects he comes up with pseudoscientific ramblings to put the blame back on to the person rather than admitting that the problem was with his advice in the first place.



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