I think you misuderstood - Re: Bottom line + video link... Re: So sowwy, VitaMix does not equal "juicer/juice"...Re: juicer opinion & tip
I think you've misinterpreted. The VitaMix can't "produce" anything you don't put in it!
ANY food you eat (that has fiber) contains "fecal matter sawdust).
The "fiber" in ANY food is there for it's main purpose - to provide "bulk" to move it along the intestinal track and keep it clean & healthy (and give it something to squeeze on/along). But now you have the IF#2 for that :)
When we juice, we're EXTRACTING the fiber from the produce (and throwing it away or using it to mulch are gardens, or make snackies), so the body doesn't have to do the extracting...and we're drinking the "pure nutrition" from the juice. So it's like we're giving the body a HIGH GRADE "nutritional transfusion" AND we're giving it all the energy that it WOULD have used-up extracting that nutrition.
It's like giving our engine high-grade ULTRA premium fuel, but the body is not having to do a THING to work for it...so it can use all the extra energy AND all the extra fuel TO HEAL ITSELF! YAY
"Pre-chewing" the produce in a VitaMix isn't a bad thing (especially if it's just 'whizzed around' for a few seconds), and most people get more nutrition that way, than they ever do from their poorly chewed food.
Water fasting and doing without nutrition is NOT part of this protocol - no matter 'what level' of the protocol you are doing.
Blessings -