I've used a myriad of juicers including Champion, Greenstar, and Solostar. Honestly, I was always bummed at throwing away pieces and parts of fruits & veggies. I had this feeling that it was egoic for people to think there couldn't possibly be anything of merit in the left-over veggie compaction going in my garbage. We finally got a Vita-Mix many months ago and there is a huge difference. Yes, it's more expensive but I figure I'm making up for it because the entire veggie and my whole dollar are going in - and coming out the blender. I want all those co-factors from my juice going in my bod. But baring that - I vote Champion every time. Then save the veggie compaction, put it in ice cube trays or some such and freeze it. When you're making soup, throw a few of those in your broth. Good in a pinch when someone's getting a cold!