15 y
Status: R [Message
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Re: Root Canals: the Root Cause of Your Cancer or other Illness?
That's all true folks. Just by having my Amalgams replaced with composite, Root Canals removed, Jaw cavitation, and a couple of mercury tatoos removed from my cheek and inside lip, I was able to get rid of the following health problems.
4, or 5 Sinus infections a year. Haven't had one since. 10-11 years
Fibromyalgia right shoulder.
Arthritis in right hip
Clicking and pain in jaw when chewing
Headaches back of head and neck
Sleep Apnea.
Tinnitus 85 %
All left within a matter of weeks, 3, or 4. Teeth wern't bothering me at all, just took this drastic measure after realizing conventional medicine didn't have the answers.
Matched up each problem with a tooth chart. Click on the teeth in your mouth that are amalgams, or root canals to see if they match up to your problems.