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Re: Bio-identical hormones?
happydog Views: 2,989
Published: 20 y
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Re: Bio-identical hormones?

becca - I'm curious, what can be done to bring down the high estrogen levels? Also, I haven't read SS's book yet but have done some research on bioidentical hormones. My doctor knows nothing about hormones, he pushes what the pharma reps tell him, and he's young and doesn't seem to be very comfortable talking about it with me.

Is Angie a doctor? If so can you give out her number or email it to me? I found a place that does the testing for a reasonable fee but then they want to talk to your doctor to ok the rx and that won't work for me. I used to get testosterone a few years ago and it made a big difference in how I felt. I think I have a lot of the same issues as you. Thanks!


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