Have you read Suzanne Somer’s book 'The Sexy Years'? I highly recommend it. I haven't read anything else she's written, but this one explains a lot in easy to understand terms. For instance, I know now if I balance my hormones correctly I will continue to have a monthly period. That some doctors prescribe the right hormones but the dosage they tell you to take is incorrect. They prescribe it in is a continuous method, which does away with periods and eventually burns out the insulin receptors, which increases heart attacks, cancer, and strokes. I also know that hormones that are not bio-identical just mask the symptoms that menopause brings us. And using synthetic hormones the body continues towards disease and decline brought on by our hormone loss. There's also another book I've ordered and haven't gotten yet. I'll let you know if it's informative or not when it gets here. I really have high hopes for my consult on Monday, I hope I'm not disappointed.