Re: What is with all the potentially poisonous remedies?
Your answers are always informative and helpful, from what I have seen.
I guess many of those warnings of danger and evidence of harm coming from herbs, etc., are just a lot of half truths in many cases? Where could I look to find the whole truth surrounding different methods? Mainly reading and asking around? How did you aquire your knowledge?
I have been at this for about 30 years altogether. And I do a lot of teaching on alternative medicines. So I have to keep up on things, which requires a lot of research on top of research. I'll admit that it does take a lot of weeding through all the hype and false claims to finally get to the truth. But sometimes all it takes is a little common sense. If I can make a suggestion, I recommend going to a thrift store and find some books on anatomy and physiology. Get some of the basics on how the body really works. Also get a basic chemistry book. This will go a long way to understanding alternative medicines. For example, you will learn the many reasons the stomach acid is so important to maintain and why alkalinizers can be such a danger to the body. The more you learn of the basics the easier all this will become.
Your point about moderation makes sense to me, but sometimes with illness I've learned that we need to be much more aggressive with these methods. It is there that I worry about harm from poisons or whatever.--Thank you for responding to my post.