Re: What is with all the potentially poisonous remedies?
Interesting point-of-view, Kisaki.
Does it all come down to, "Says who?" And, the question of who we trust...and why?
Then there is the whole question of the level of experience of the asker, emotional state, intuition, and memory of suggestions made before...reasoning ability, too.
I was told by someone I pay attention to that some people can ingest some poisons and they go right on through, without slowing down.
I found that amazing, but I certainly wouldn't want to test it.
On the other hand, I think it quite a miracle that many are still breathing, no matter what's 'out there'.
On my own journey, I have found that my best answers are far more simple than I had ever guessed...and often in a basic assumption I hadn't yet considered.
I suppose we must all follow our noses, examining the questions we notice, when we see them...remaining 'open', with our best 'standards' always in mind.
Overall, I am getting better and better. For me, that is very encouraging...a kind of 'proof' of 'so far, so good'.
Thanks for bringing this up. I will remember.
My best,