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Re: leaky gut syndrome,candida and allergies:need help

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Re: leaky gut syndrome,candida and allergies:need help

hi free
i was wondering what about qouina i hope i am spelling it right as far as grains are concerned and what brand of coconut flour and oil is best and what kind of vegetables can i eat cause and that are usually the best to eat especially for someone like me with an impaired digestion but i never said i was allergic to most vegetables i can't eat only certain veggies like tomatoes lettuces,potatoes including sweet potatoes cause of candida,bell peppers these are nightshade i am fine with the rest cause i wanna eat poultry but i feel that since i have a haed time with digestion i better not do that what about raw milk i found out about that in the link u gave me found out about the benefits of raw milk,raw cheese, raw yoghurt this doctor said it was good for people with candida and also ibd patients i also wanna mention i got banned from uniquity's forum cause she said i had schrizoprenia hope i didn't mispell cause she said i said something i never said cause i was trying to tell her i had fecal Body Odor due to my leaky gut so the fecal odor comes ot of almost every part of my body and so when i am out of my apartment people react and i tried to explain to her an incident at a mall i never said people were lining up to smell me then running away from me i said people avoided me in the mall after they came in contact with me and later on stared at me in a weird way i am not making this up ask people with fbo no the bo forum they will tell u the same stories of getting dirty looks and of being avoided cause of their fbo and she unyquity also said that i stated that i insisted that i smelt after people told me they didn't smell anything i never ever said that i don't know what she was reading in my post my best friend told me my room smelling like feaces even my sister and i hadn't used the bathroom at all through out those days so i don't know what she read in my post prob it's all my fault for trying to be honest and give details about what i am going through in these forums the reason i am on curezone is is i can relate to people on these forums i was never diagnosed with having schrizoprenia so i think i probably prob misstated certain things by rushing to post messages cause i don't read my post as i am writing it or after i am done writing i just send it in such a rush hopefully i am not banned from here or curezone cause it seems unyquity by her last message to me threatened to do so can i do anything about it cause she said nobody on curezone can help cause of my mental instability and she didn't want to be liable which is ridiculous i am mentally stable i am puzzled by her ban i have to make sure i either read my post over after i m done writing or check it as i am writing esp when in a rush i tried to explain this to her but to no avail i can't even post hopefully i cn prove my case to curezone so i don't get banned cause she said i had it without even speaking to me how can u diagnose a person with being scrizophrenic over the internet and my medical doctors who i have gone to see regarding my health problems say it's all in my head but never say i am schrizoprenic with the exception of naturopathic doctors who say it's leaky gut,candida, parasites and the prolonged Antibiotics use that r causing my health problems so i don't get being banned from unyquity's forum very smart lady but oh wellsorry for the long message just trying to get my side out so i don't get thrown out by curezone and to add i was never rude,lewd,degrading in any form on her forum i just answered the questions she asked me


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