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Re: leaky gut syndrome,candida and allergies:need help

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vmarie Views: 6,823
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Re: leaky gut syndrome,candida and allergies:need help

You poor thing! I'm going through the SAME EXACT THING! Exept my parents haven't put me away yet! lol Although, they've mentioned it quite a few times! But they see how valid my issue is when I needed to get my esophagus dilated 4 times due to food allergies /sensitivities. I have an extremeley limited diet, myself.

I cannot believe someone called you Schitzo! lol What a m*o*o*n to do such a thing! Ignorance, ignorance, ignorance!

Anyways, I have Body Odor as well. I understand EVERYTHING you are saying. I weigh under 100 pounds (I'm a short girl) and yet I sweat exessively. It's your hormones. Oh, and if you haven't taken a food allergy test (the non genetic allergy test) I'd suggest you take it to determine what you can eat. My natural doctor gave me a test from ALCAT. -They have a website, but I don't know what it is at the moment and I have to lie down at the present moment.

My suggestions are to take your vitamins, I'd suggest the best quality vitamins you can find- my multi costs me 50 dollars, but it's high quality, so no reactions. Take L- Glutamin powder 3 teaspoons daily, take Aloe Vera Juice 6 ounces a day, 2 ounces at a time, a high quality probiotic, (I don't know what probiotic brand mine is, but I got it at my natural doctors), and a high quality digestive enzyme ( mines chewable). -Well, this is all that I do. I have more energy now, but I'm still having new allergies, so I'm doing a Liver Cleanse at the present moment, hopefully that helps. And I've noticed some of my chemical sensitivities have gone away since I started taking the L-Glutamine. A Leaky Gut takes months or up to a year or two to fully heal, but you need to be consistant with your treatment and patient. I know it's hard, and my parents are frustrated with my ups and downs, but I feel like I'm slowly improving myself. Best of luck! And keep us updated!! :)


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