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Re: leaky gut syndrome,candida and allergies:need help
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Re: leaky gut syndrome,candida and allergies:need help

hi free09
i do believe i have parasites cause i have had several bouts with thyphoid fever and malaria and once being afflicted with cholera and menigitis this was during my childhood which led to me later on in life being afflicted with diseases such as leaky gut,candida,chronic fatigue syndrome arthiritis,allergies&food and enviromental intolerance those r the main ones so it's frustrating and it's partly genetics cause my dad told me he had food intolerance when he was my age i started having the latter health ailments at age 15 it was after the Antibiotics had taken it's toll on my immune system this is my opinion i have being thinking that since i have this severe food allergies and intolerance thereby when i eat foods that i don't tolerate i feel like something's stuck in my throat trigger the acid reflux start having severe pain in my chest induce itching in my ear and anus worsening the fecal bod odor so i m thinking of going on a restricted diet for the meantime can i survive on oatmeal&flaxseed meal diet even though oatmeal is a grain i think it's hypoallergenic am i right and is it safe for people with candida,compromised immmunity what about frozen lima beans with onions and garlic pretty suistainable vegetables or should i give up on food all together and go on a slippery elm innerbark slurry diet which is said to have been the diet of those who were wasting away need ur suggetions urgently i don't wanna starve myself which makes my digestive disorders worse note:i don't have a juicer if i did i would try juicing alkaine vegetables(ones i don't react to)


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