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Re: Ionic Trace mineral drops - are they safe?
grzbear Views: 56,194
Published: 16 y
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Re: Ionic Trace mineral drops - are they safe?

Going back further, some people believe Bechamp to be the father of the pH diet although it was not expressed as such...

There was Dr. William H. Schuessler of Germany with his cell salts as well...

You stated...

>>"This is only true if those minerals are present in the soil which they are grown in. If they are not in the soil they are not in the plant."<<

The minerals are most likely present in the soil, HOWEVER, the mineral/element cycles have been broken due to the use of agricultural chemicals.

"1906 Dr Alzheimer described “ women lost in their own minds.” otherwise Alzheimer’s which had not observed in countries other than Germany until after the adoption of the use of these chemical fertilizers. Most of Europe had adopted these fertilizers before the start of WW2. In 1920, Dr. Otto Warburg had an opportunity to see enough cancer to describe the basis for his Noble Prize work while cancer was less evident in other countries."

These agricultural chemicals also destroy the bacteria which are so very vital for the elemental\mineral cycles both gas and solid.

Without the living matter in the soils, the cycles are broken and the top soil degrades.

In humans, it all comes down to your terrain and whether your terrain supports the bacteria necessary to enable your healthy existence.

Take E. Coli for instance... you would die without it, yet TPTB and the media have frightened most people against it.

The one that gives people problems, Escherichia coli O157:H7, is just 1 of hundreds of varieties of E. Coli.

AND, it will not give people problems if they are otherwise healthy as the other bacteria will prevent it from proliferating.

I would be willing to bet, that most people who have the biggest problems with these things, not only have a poor diet and\or are sick to begin with, but that they also have a pretty long and active history of Antibiotic use.

Bacteria are responsible for helping us utilize our foods, they produce complete proteins, essential vitamins, and enzymes in their waste products, etc. etc.

We live in a symbiotic synergy with them. As their host, we give them life, and in turn, they benefit us.

Just as we should not kill these organisms within our bodies, neither should we have ever killed them in the environment.

But then, I suppose, people had no idea they were doing this to begin with when they started using these chemical poisons...

They should have known better though.




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