Re: Olivia Cohen (3rd 40 day fast - day 1) update
Hello Olivia,
a warm welcome to you on your return.
How long have I been studying fasting?
Since my recovery from Leukemia in 1977/8, where two prolonged fasts (or what I thought were prolonged) of 25 days and 30 days respectively.
This research led me to the most experienced and qualified fasting supervisors in history, and followed their ideals of a system of health care/maintenance/recovery that is based on natural physiological laws created by God and ordained by Nature entitled, Natural Hygiene..............
In answer to your question in a previous post...........
The body will only reach "full ketosis" on water-only, whereas on a "reducing diet" the body only enters partial ketosis because the body is still feeding externally. The end product is loss of weight by varying degrees.
On a water-only fast the body enters full ketosis in the burning of fat and some glucose as fuel, but the main source of energy/fuel via this process is from ketones; the Brains main fuel supply on a water only fast is actually via ketones.
You are most definitely in a state of ketosis, but by taking supplements this has the same effect as a reducing diet, and where you will achieve only partial but near to full ketosis; it depends entirely on the amount of external nutrition consumed.
We are still very concerned as to your programme of fasting up to a further 40 days, and where my main concern is that the supplements you are taking are not perhaps sufficiently comprehensive enough, to prevent some organ damage via semi-starvation.
The body conserves its vital food reserves on water-only as a survival mechanism in prolonging life for the maximum time, but this conservation does not take place nearly as efficiently by taking nutrition from outside: hence my concerns for your health and well-being..............
My very best regards.