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Re: Corner Turning Moments?
healinginHiswings Views: 8,073
Published: 16 y
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Re: Corner Turning Moments?

Well, briefly, Day 4 is hard because you're fighting actual hunger. It's a battle with your appetite. I know now that I DO have control of my appetite, which means I have control over my flesh. That is EXTREMELY character building. Day 4 is tough, too, because the initial enthusiasm slips away, you get tired because you are shifting into MAJOR detox mode, and you know you have a long, long way to go before day 30 rolls around. You also don't know if it's going to work yet, and you're just flying by instruments, so to speak.

It helped me to mentally divide the IP month into weeks, and then say "I'm 1/4 through. I'm 1/2 through." Once you do the program for a couple of weeks, you kinda get in the swing of things and develop a bit of a routine and rhythm. You get used to it, you DO have a little more energy, and you can begin to make it fun and experiment with juice recipes and things.

Day 30 can either be AMAZING or it can be a real downer. What happens to make it a downer? If your expectation was that you would be totally healed, or close to it by then. I think THE worst thing Dr. Schulze ever did was to call the IP "the 30 day IP." It gives people the impression, especially if they don't have the SYL manual, that they are going to be cured of ANYTHING in 30 days. Don't get me wrong. I've heard of stories where cancer tumors started breaking up in 5 days on this program, and all kinds of other miracles. Our bodies are POWERHOUSES and if given the chance, they can do AMAZING things. But Uny and I both have met or worked with people who do the IP gung ho for 30 days, and if they don't see an incredible difference, they quit, and lose all opportunity for receiving their healing.

If I have ONE thing to tell people about the IP, it's that once they embark on this program, they can't go back to their old ways. It's their old ways that got them sick in the first place. This is literally, in every sense of the word, a life-changing program. If you're ready to make those changes, no matter what they are, then I really believe you'll get well. It might take a year of doing the IP. The longest time Dr. Schulze has recorded is a guy with ALS. It took this guy 2 solid years of sticking with it. That guy wanted to live, ya know? There are certain things I certainly don't want to do on the IP, but I have to ask myself over and over again, "how bad do you want to live?" These are so called in-curable diseases. That's fancy doctor talk for "you're going to die from this and we can't help you." lol GREAT for the immune system (not).

Anyway, so much for being brief. lol

Luv ya,



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