Corner Turning Moments?
I stopped "the program" for three weeks while my son was here on leave (with Uny's understanding), and I can't tell you the stark contrast between how I feel today and how I felt a month ago. Once you start feeling fantastic, you NEVER want to go back to your old habits. A lot of people my age feel run-down, sick, and tired, or they are already getting into some serious health trouble. They chalk it up to age and just live with it, but, man! I can't believe how bad I was feeling now that I have experienced the IP.
Wings, thx for your kind words and encouragement! I finally broke the juice fast. I decided to do a one meal diet for 5-7days and then get back on another round of juice fasting.
I definitely have come a long way. I know for sure that I’m on the right path and I think my improvements are very subtle and gradual. I don’t really recall distinctive corner turning moments. I read about you mentioning Day 4 and Day 30 are your toughest days and the big corner turning moments. Would you mind sharing the details? And what kind of improvements do you get from each round of IP? You’ve done 2 or 3 so far, right? I know that we both have muscular problems, even though the cause might be very different. It’s just nice to hear what other people with similar ailments are doing and what each round of IP does to them.
-Mny Thx, tie.