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Re: what about depression?
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Re: what about depression?

Hmmmmm, no hope, life is miserable, won't be able to get ANYTHING you want. Hmmmm, Perhaps you need to take a real close look at the third world or go to youtube and view my story.

Two things kept me going when I was going through it.

Number one: My sister, She got shot when she was 16 years old. 30.06 high powered rifle. The bullet went through the car fender, passed through one foot and lodged in the other. I went to a war half way around the world and didn't get shot. She got shot in her own home town at 16 years old. Crippled for life.

Number two: Christ was perfect, never did anything wrong. Look what "they" did to him.

So sometimes it pays to compare yourself to others.

If you think you know what real stress is, have you ever heard and felt the bullets flying by your head? That's real stress

I got sick at 23 years old and didn't get my health back until I was 56. Talk about a missed life. The prime of life gone. Most of my 20's, all my 30's, all my 40's and 6 1/2 years of my 50's.

What about child abuse or your parents influence on you? What about your mate? There are some parasitic people that will make sure your life is miserable. That will make sure you walk through life in a crippled manner. We call them SP's for Supressive Person. They WILL ruin your life.

If you want to quit you can do so. I've seen many people check-out over the years because they wanted to (my own father for one). You do have a right to die.

Chemical poison screws you up, and most "depression" comes from prescription drugs which IS chemical poisoning.

It's the old Shakespear thing: "to be or not to be, that is the question". Only you can answer that. We hope you chose life but you have the right to choose otherwise.

If you choose life we have a lot of answers on this forum as the posts from the people who answered this post demonstrated.

We've been there and KNOW the answers you seek and know the beauty of making a full recoevery from that far down the pole.

But it's up to you.

"To be or not to be".

Truth elivates!!!



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