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Re: what about depression?
cr8iveart Views: 3,482
Published: 16 y
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Re: what about depression?

I am not Dr. Sutter, but I have been depressed and taken antidepressants. You are right - the meds do not help. The liver flushes do. Since December I have been drug free and while I have not gotten completely happy, I am not depressed like I was and I am not suicidal. The drugs build on themselves - some of the depression is what is in your body that your body cannot get rid of except by flushing it out. It will all come out. Your body is not balanced - the right balance of amino acids will go along way to straightening out your brain chemistry. L-theanine is a natural amino acid "antidepressant." Lorthinine helps with anxiety - anxiety is due to the parasites. Are you taking dewormer? Omega 3 and olive oil. All of these things will help but they take time and will not turn things around over night. It will get better and you are worth it - stick with the program. Add amino acids that balance brain chemistry and stick with them. Good stuff in! it will help. Don't give up.


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