Do you have Doc's CD? If not, if you can right now and have the money, go to his website and order it. I played it over and over for 2 reasons, I was so sick I couldn't stay at the computer for very long when I started all this and the other reason is because I am alone, too, and the sound of Doc's voice which was the sound of TRUTH told me I was worth saving. It's a ways up from the bottom, but there are those of us who care on this forum. We care enough to help you and want to see you pull out of that slump and get better. YOU ARE WORTH SAVING! You just have to incorporate that into your thinking and after a while it will make sense to you. Life IS worth living. You can make it. Put good things in front of you. Watch a GOOD movie--get one on DVD if you have to. Turn off all the crap that's going down in this world on the TV. This too shall pass, but you have to work at it. When you're rid of the toxins and you've built up your body, life will come back and you'll see things a lot different. We have TRUTH. It's very precious and will change your life as it has changed mine and some of the rest of us, IF you'll let it. You are NOT alone!
Good luck. We're here.