I too am another person who has struggled with depression, tried antidepressants among many other things. Recently after doing some online research I found information on vitamin deficiencies. I went to my doctor and requested that I get tested. She obliged and I found out I was really low in vitamin B12- which can contribute to depression! (I'm not a vegetarian either). I was also low in zinc, CoQ10, antioxidants and some "good" fat. Who knew?? I've started B-12 shots because they get into the system more quickly and in the past month I've had more energy and more good days than bad ones. I'm also taking supplements for the other deficiencies. As much as we'd like to think Doctors have ALL the answers for EVERYONE'S bodies- they don't (they are human), we have to take a leading role in finding the answers - empower ourselves.
When I'm feeling lost and having a hard time I pull out my Louise L. Hay books and video, "You Can Heal Your Life". You can find the books at the library or purchase them and you can rent the movie from Netflix or buy it. It is about changing they way you talk to yourself and view yourself, most importantly its about loving yourself-even when you think you aren't worth loving. If change were easy we might take it for granted. Have a little faith in yourself. You deserve happiness.