My theory on candida epidemic
I think
Antibiotics are THE cause of the candida epidemic. My theory is that
Antibiotics wipe out certain good bacterial species that inhabit the surface of the intestinal mucous membrane. When these good bacteria are killed off, the ever present candida invades the mucous membranes. Once this happens the war is lost. Candida has won and the best the body can do is limit the damage.
Yawn, so what else if new? Okay, probiotics help by increasing lactic acid in the intestines and limiting candida growth. This is good. But they will not eradicate candida. What's more, they won't even colonize the intestines, let alone displace candida from the mucous membrances. Contrary to advertising, all priobiotic bacteria are transient. So as soon as you stop taking probiotics you will get another candida outbreak.
Yeah, still nothing really new here. Okay. Babies get their good surface inhabiting bowel bacteria from their mothers, both in the womb and through colostrum. What if their mother's good bacteria has already been killed by
Antibiotics ? The baby is then born into the world with no effective defence against candida. Further, if the baby is unlucky and gets infected with candida in the womb, due to systemic candidiasis of the mother, the baby may also be born autistic.
What I'm getting at here is that with each generation of humans, the special mucous membrane lining bacteria that defend against candida are gradually becoming extinct. This means that future generations will not need to take antibiotics for systemic candida infection to occur. There is also the probability that candida is becoming increasingly virulent and resistant.
What's the solution? Firstly we need to isolate the right bacteria that actually protect the intestines from candida, even if we have to locate them in isolated tribes that have never taken antiobics. We then need to develop a way of getting them into the intestines so that will colonize the linings. I think this is the strategy being looked into by Paul Jaep and Gary Smith in UK. I wish them luck, because I think we are rapidly losing this war against our immune systems, while the arrogant medical fraternity smugly sits back in denial.